Thursday, July 15, 2010

Help Gulf coast families save their pets!

As if losing your job due to the Gulf oil spill isn't bad enough, many families are finding they also have to give up their loving family companions as a result of the income loss as Randi Kaye reports in this AndersonCooper 360 story, many families are having to choose between putting food on the table and feeding/caring for pets.

It's a horrific decision to have to make, especially at a time when people could so desperately use the love, peace and companionship that their pets provide. The horror is compounded by the fact that many of these sweet furry guys are now in kill shelters which are busting at the seams and have to euthanize animals if not adopted in a very short 2-3 week time period.

The shelters are doing everything they can, including placing them in foster homes and even shipping animals to shelters in other states. The Louisianna SPCA (in the AC360 story) has also set up a program to help people keep their pets by providing them with the pet food and vet care that they need.

How to Help:

Please help support this wonderful program, and keep your eyes out for other ways to help pets who can't help themselves.

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